Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Buenos Aires with A Tango Twist

New! UBC in Buenos Aires with a Tango Twist
This exciting two-week program is led by Nina Perez, a UBC Instructor and professional tango dancer. Learn about the history and culture of tango in the cultural heart of Argentina from a native Argentinean. In addition to daily dance and culture classes, there are visits to the magnificent tango bars of Buenos Aires, the finest Argentinean restaurants and sites of historical significance in Buenos Aires. Participants will be located in the city centre where art, dance, architecture, cuisine and fashion are at your fingertips. Join UBC Continuing Studies on this unforgettable trip and experience Buenos Aires, the Paris of Latin America!

November 17 to Dec 1 2010 BT 119 F08A
Fee: $2950, includes tuition, excursions, some meals and apartment accommodation. Airfare is not included. For details, call 604-822-0802.

Adapted from and more information: Baila Vancouver Dance School

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